Just a few helpful tips...
1. Set your child up for SUCCESS!

2. If you have trouble transitioning ~for example: bath time to pjs~ Show your child your phone as you set a 3 to 5 minute timer. Count the minutes with them as you set it. Once the timer goes off, TIMES UP
3. Never be afraid to let your child throw a tantrum. This is a natural human response. I keep a quiet and calm voice, ignoring it for the most part, and repeating... This tantrum will not work. If they scream for an hour, so be it! You'll knock them 'the tantrum' out quickly, by not giving in.
4. Trying to get your baby to sleep through the night? Put them down earlier, like 7:30. Make it darkish from 7 on... I like to put relaxing music on or the sound machine. They have great white noise youtube videos that work like a charm. Listen to your baby, do they like to be swaddled? Patted on the but? Nothin but a diaper? Make her comfortable. Lay your little one down AWAKE! Stay by her, pat her, stroke her hair, help with the passy, etc. Just try (I know hard) not to pick them up unless you know a trip to the rocker would do the trick! After a week of a scheduled bedtime routine, it will be like second nature to the whole family... Trust me, I know how much a good night sleep helps, but I still co-sleep with my little girl about 3 nights out of the week. When a baby needs her momma, you just can't say no, lol.